17+ Interesting Coupon Statistics for 2024!

As the following coupon statistics show, coupons have become a very popular option.

There are two primary reasons for this:

  1. Coupons are effective at getting customer attention and increasing brand awareness
  2. Customers feel they are getting a good deal with a coupon, increasing their likelihood of being loyal

Coupons aren’t a new idea.

Coca-Cola created the first coupon as long ago as 1887.

Today, with the addition of digital technology, they have become easier to use than ever. 

This digital transformation has meant that coupons have become increasingly common, they’re embraced by customers and businesses. 

Let’s take a look at the top coupon statistics.

Key Statistics

  • Approximately 770 million coupons were redeemed across the globe in 2022
  • An impressive 42%of shoppers search for coupons on Facebook
  • 88% of US shoppers are known to use coupons
  • 86% of consumers are swayed by a coupon when making a purchase
  • 92% of shoppers check for coupons before buying
  • Coupon users, on average, spend more than non-coupon users
  • Half of shoppers still prefer getting coupons in the mail
  • Nearly half of consumers buy products earlier when they have coupons
  • 30% of shoppers will redeem a coupon within 24 hours of receiving it
  • 89% of millennials are open to new brands with coupons
  • Nearly half of millennials will share coupons via social media
  • A staggering 96% of baby boomers regularly use coupons
  • Half of women download coupons while shopping
  • Men are more likely to use coupons on food
  • The digital coupon market is set to be worth $29.7 billion by 2030
  • Slickdeals is the most popular coupon website 
  • 71% of shoppers will check the store website
  • 55% of US shoppers will choose a grocery store with coupons

Top Coupon Statistics 2024

1. Approximately 770 Million Coupons Were Redeemed Across The Globe In 2022

A survey completed by Coupons In The News early in 2023 found that just over 770 million coupons were redeemed throughout 2022.

That’s an impressive number and shows the power of coupons to draw in customers.

However, it’s interesting to note that this figure was 19% less than in 2021.

In fact, it’s the first time in over 50 years that less than a billion coupons were redeemed in one year. 

Naturally, the study doesn’t show why this is the case, although the current economic climate is encouraging people to be more cautious about spending. 

(Coupons In The News)

2. An Impressive 42% Of Shoppers Search For Coupons On Facebook

We live in a digital world, digital technology is everywhere and practically everyone has a social media presence.

The latest information from Statista confirms how useful social media is, especially when it comes to saving money. 

The survey found that 42% of shoppers would look at Facebook first to see if there are any deals, discounts, or coupons on offer. 

While it is beneficial for businesses to post their discounts and coupons on social media, it’s not essential.

There are plenty of users that will find the coupons and share them with others. 

Interestingly, a further 30% of shoppers will head straight to Instagram looking for coupons. 


3. 88% Of US Shoppers Are Known To Use Coupons

The number of coupons redeemed in 2022 may be lower than in previous years.

However, that doesn’t mean people are no longer using coupons. 

According to the latest survey by Statista, roughly 88% of shoppers in the US will use at least one coupon annually. 

The survey asked 1,000 to respond and got close to 9 out of 10 stating they have used a coupon in the last year. 

This is comparable to previous years where surveys have shown the usage rate is consistently around 90%.


4. 86% Of Consumers Are Swayed By A Coupon When Making A Purchase

This statistic isn’t that surprising.

After all, who wouldn’t want to use a coupon to save money? If a coupon is available for something you habitually purchase then you’re going to use it. 

However, what the survey also found was that 86% of shoppers would be persuaded to try something different if offered a coupon. 

In most cases, it makes good economic sense. Consumers are always looking for the best deal and highest quality products.

A coupon provides the opportunity to try other products without spending extra.

In short, the bigger the coupon the more likely it is a shopper will try a new product.

The survey also highlighted the importance of perception.

It revealed that 85% of respondents felt coupons had saved them a lot of money and they would be willing to visit different shops before purchasing.

The aim would be to get the best possible deal. 

(Business Wire)

5. 92% Of Shoppers Check For Coupons Before Buying

A review of the 2022 data by Statista found that just 8% of US shoppers were not interested in using coupons.

That doesn’t mean they never use them, but it’s rare. 

The other 92% of US shoppers admit to searching for coupons and special offers before purchasing anything. 

As previously mentioned, part of this search means checking social media.

Consumers will also look at online forums, ask friends, and even look through old-fashioned papers and magazines. 


6. Coupon Users, On Average, Spend More Than Non-Coupon Users

From a  consumer point of view, a coupon is designed to save you money.

The coupon will reduce the price of a product by a set amount or a percentage, potentially making it more affordable. 

However, from a business point of view, the coupon is designed to get you purchasing products from them and, hopefully, become a repeat customer.

A recent survey by Blippr with 5,000 respondents found that shoppers who use coupons will, on average, spend 25% more than consumers who don’t use coupons!

At first this may seem surprising.

However, coupons often encourage consumers to purchase something they have been thinking about but wouldn’t usually buy.

In other words, it’s an additional spend even if you’re saving money. 

The survey also found that 81% of respondents who use coupons made at least one purchase, with a coupon, using their mobile device. 

However, a staggering 53% of people shopping online still use physical coupons as well. 


7. Half Of Shoppers Still Prefer Getting Coupons In The Mail

The results of the Blippr survey are backed up by a recent Valassis study.

It found that, despite the world becoming increasingly digital, 50% of shoppers still like to receive coupons in the post. 

The study also found that 44% of respondents wanted to receive a coupon book with their newspaper, while just 38% wanted coupons via their mobile device. 

The results aren’t that surprising. Despite living in a digital age, most shoppers still appreciate the comfort of having a coupon in hand.

It’s much more difficult for a store to reject a physical coupon or state they have no knowledge of it. 


8. Nearly Half Of Consumers Buy Products Earlier When they Have Coupons

Coupons are designed to increase brand awareness, persuade people to buy a product, and potentially increase consumer loyalty. 

As already mentioned, that doesn’t mean consumers will spend less.

The opportunity to save money is often enough to persuade someone to buy, even if they weren’t intending on buying the specific product. 

That’s been confirmed by the latest Motley Fool survey.

It found that 48% of consumers would purchase a product earlier than originally intended simply because they had a coupon. 

Interestingly, the same survey found that 37% of consumers spend more than they intended to, simply because they used a coupon to buy an additional item. 

It confirms that coupons actually cost consumers money.  

(Motley Fool)

9. 30% Of Shoppers Will Redeem A Coupon Within 24 Hours Of Receiving It

According to a study by Inmar, nearly a third of shoppers will redeem a coupon within 24 hours of receiving it. 

The survey doesn’t highlight whether respondents were already considering the purchase or simply making the best of an offer.

However, it’s useful for marketers to know this ratio as it will help to assess the success of a campaign. 

The survey also found that 82% of shoppers will redeem a coupon within a week of receiving it. 

In short, from a business point of view, if a coupon isn’t redeemed within a week of receipt the likelihood of a further sale is low. 

It’s worth noting that shoppers love personalized offers.

The Inmar survey found that 53% of consumers liked receiving offers based on their purchase history.

Further, 51% of respondents confirmed they would appreciate exclusive offers when loyal to a brand. 


10. 89% Of Millennials Are Open To New Brands With Coupons

Coupons are used by all generations but not every generation is open to trying new brands.

Millennials are perhaps the most open generation. 

Recent Statista studies found that 89% of Millennials would be happy to try a new brand if they had a coupon to reduce the cost of sampling their products.

Other generations are also happy to try new brands when a coupon is handy, but none are as  eager as Millennials.  

The study showed 76% of Baby Boomers would try a new brand if offered a coupon.

Generation Z were slightly more eager with 78% willing to try, while 86% of Generation X will willing to try a new brand with the help of a coupon.

In all cases, the majority of people can be enticed to buy with the right coupon. 


11. Nearly Half Of Millennials Will Share Coupons Via Social Media

Most shoppers get set in their ways. They buy the same products and brands week after week.

Even when it comes to one-off purchases, they are likely to stick to brands they know and trust. 

This can make it difficult for brands, no matter how well established, to lure customers away from a competitor.

A recent study by Valassis found that most Millennials were suspicious of different brands and reluctant to try them.

However, the majority of Millennials will try a new brand if their friends and other trusted contacts recommend them. 

An impressive 43% of Millennials will share deals via social media, personally recommending the products at the same time. 

That’s roughly half the Millennials who share deals.

According to the latest research, 90% of Millennials will share a coupon or discount if they believe it’s good value. 


12. A Staggering 96% Of Baby Boomers Regularly Use Coupons

Although people are wary about trying new brands, they are generally open to using coupons. 

A recent study by Coupon Science found that 96% of baby boomers used coupons regularly.

Interestingly, 70% of baby boomers used paper coupons as opposed to digital.

Just 32% used paper and online coupons.

The study also found that 91% of Generation X regularly use coupons, but that only 63% of them used paper coupons.

The survey also revealed that 39% of them used online coupons. 

Millennials are less inclined to use coupons, only 87% of those surveyed admitted to using coupons.

However, just 46% of them use paper coupons and 48% use online coupons.

Interestingly, the statistics reveal a slight decline in coupon usage with each generation. 

(Coupon Science)

13. Half Of Women Download Coupons While Shopping

Smartphones are convenient.

You can review a product, check prices, and even order an item all from your phone, whenever you want. 

In fact, recent surveys show that most shoppers prefer to review products online via their mobile instead of asking a sales representative. 

But, that’s not the only thing shoppers do on their mobile while in-store. 

A recent survey by Retail Drive found that 48% of women would use their phone in-store to find and download a coupon.

This was generally a result of finding something they wanted to purchase as opposed to going in-store with the intent to buy. 

Interestingly, only 35% of men adopt the same approach.

However, the survey found that men were more likely to use their smartphone to check prices.

An impressive 63% of men check prices on their smartphone in-store, compared to just 46% of women.

(Retail Drive)

14. Men Are More Likely To Use Coupons On Food

Recently released Statista data shows a difference in the way men and women use coupons. 

According to the data, 64% of men will use coupons to purchase food and food delivery services.

In contrast, under 40% of women do the same. 

However, when it comes to fashion and accessories, women are way out in front.

The report found that 73% of women would use a coupon on these items. In contrast, just 61% of men would. 

The same is true when looking at cosmetics and personal care items, 63% of women use coupons for these items, while just 52%of men would. 

Men triumph when it comes to electronic items, 63% of them would use coupons when purchasing electronics.

In contrast, just 41% of women would do the same. 

Surprisingly, the same is also true for household appliances.

The statistics show that 48% of men would use a coupon for these purchases, and just 35% of women would choose to do the same. 


15. The Digital Coupon Market Is Set To Be Worth $29.7 Billion By 2030

A recent survey showed the impressive rate of growth expected for the coupon industry, specifically digital coupons. 

Although physical coupons are still a very popular option, experts believe people will gradually switch to digital coupons over the next 5-10 years.

As such, there will be an array of additional opportunities for businesses to issue digital coupons. This will feed a growth in coupon usage and increase the worth of the market. 

According to statistics, the digital coupon market was worth $4.7 million in 2020. By 2031 it’s predicted that this value will increase to $29.7 billion!

That’s impressive growth, making it a market worth investing in. 


16. Slickdeals Is The Most Popular Coupon Website 

Every generation looks for coupons online and likes to share details of the ones they find.

In that sense, all coupon users are part of a big community. 

However, anyone serious about locating coupons will turn to coupon websites.

These are sites dedicated to finding the latest and best coupons, verifying them, and then posting them online. 

Anyone can visit the site and take the discount code to save themself money.

Naturally, some sites have built better reputations, allowing them to be more popular than others. 

Slickdeals currently tops the list, taking 8.76% of all coupon website visits.

They are closely followed by Rakuten with 8.3%. 

These two sites are way in front of the competition.

Hotukdeals has just 3.4% of the visits, ozbargain has 3.21%, and capitaloneshopping trails in fifth place with 3.13% of the visits. 


17. 71% Of Shoppers Will Check the Store Website

Coupons can be located on coupon websites, social media sites, online forums, inside newspapers and magazines, and in a host of other places. 

However, if a store wants to promote itself, especially to existing customers, it needs to make sure all coupons are accessible on its own site.

According to a recent survey by Valassis, 71% of shoppers will look at a store website to see if there are any discount coupons.  

It’s logical to assume a store would post these on their own site.

Businesses should be aware of this and make sure the discount codes are easy to find. 

It’s worth noting that the report found 68% of shoppers will check coupon sites and 50% will look at social networking sites to find coupons. 


18. 55% Of US Shoppers Will Choose A Grocery Store With Coupons

Coupons make consumers feel they are saving money.

They encourage customer satisfaction which increases loyalty.

That makes them a valuable addition to any business. 

However, perhaps the biggest reason to issue coupons is that studies show that 55% of US consumers will choose a grocery store that offers coupons over one that doesn’t. 

Coupons and loyalty cards may be a marketing trick, but shoppers feel they are getting something for nothing. 

The best place for a grocery store to place its coupons is on the black of its receipts.

A recent survey found that a staggering 96% of people could remember coupon details from the back of their receipts!

(Indoor Media)

Why Coupons Have Become So Popular

Coca-Cola first released coupons to increase awareness of their brand.

The marketing strategy worked and over 8.5 million ‘free drinks’ were collected between 1887 and 1913.

Today, Coca-Cola doesn’t need to release coupons to encourage brand awareness, everyone knows who they are. 

It’s the same basic principle that works today.

Companies release coupons to promote their brand, introduce new products, or even get rid of old lines and excess stock.

For the business, the coupon represents a way to get customer’s attention and potentially generate additional revenue. 

Consumers see coupons as a way to save money.

Of course, this only works if they are using the coupon to buy something they would normally buy.

The truth is most people use coupons to make additional purchases, feeling that they are saving money.

As people feel the effects of economic uncertainty and rising inflation, they are more anxious than ever to save money where possible.

Coupons appear to offer a way to save money, that’s why they have become increasingly popular. 

Summing Up

The above coupon statistics show that, despite living in a digital age, coupons are still as valid today as they have ever been.

What’s perhaps most interesting is that paper coupons are still  extremely popular.

Today, the coupon market is worth over a billion dollars and likely to keep growing.

It’s a vital tool for every business operating in a competitive market. 

Used properly, it can connect with customers and help encourage them to purchase from you.

The statistics show it is still one of the most effective ways to improve brand awareness and should be part of all marketing strategies. 


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